Saturday 3 September 2011

With choosing this year to perform indoors in the Orangery at Westonbirt for the first time rather than open air on the terrace, we've certainly opened up debate and discussion! Questionnaire responses are arriving thick and fast, and are fairly equally divided between those who like to be warm indoors and those who prefer charm outdoors... (note the appropriate rhyme - must remember that for a future translation!) There were many good reasons behind our choice and we're sure it was the right decision for The Italian Girl, especially given the scale of our set and the problems that would have caused outside - but for the future, well, we'll see. We're delighted at the very positive comments nearly everyone makes about their enjoyment of the occasion. Last Sunday's performance was well attended and received and as always it was gratifying to see a large audience at the pre-performance talk. It's always coming back to a production after a break of time, and the month's absence seems to have had the excellent effect of creating new levels of energy and relaxed wit - it proved a sparkling performance. A selection of photographs show indoor and outdoor picnics, as well as our utterly wonderful volunteer crew (aged 16 - 76 or thereabouts!) rolling up the "Nelson Hotel" carpet - part of which we're now about to donate to St Mary's Church, Bampton for children's activities.